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January 14 - PM Bus Route Changes

Good afternoon,


Salter Transportation has informed us that due to multiple drivers calling out sick the following changes, affecting multiple bus routes, will be in effect for the Tuesday, January 14th drop-off.  These changes only apply to the AFTERNOON DROP-OFF.


Changes to Tuesday’s afternoon routes are as follows:




  •  Route 7: Bus 4 will double back to drop-off route 7. Drop-off on Rt. 7 will be delayed by approximately 20 minutes.


  • Route 8:  Students may arrive on a different numbered elementary bus, however drop-off times remain as scheduled and only minimal delays are expected.





  • Route 2: AMS bus 2 will also drop-off students riding on AHS route 8. The combined route will experience an approximate 5-minute delay from the regular schedule.




  • Route 8: AHS students riding bus 8 will be dropped off by AMS bus 2.  The combined route will experience an approximate 5-minute delay from the regular schedule.



Again, these changes affect afternoon drop-offs on Tuesday, January 14th only.