Transportation Services
The Amesbury Public Schools provides transportation to students as required by Massachusetts General Law. By Law, we are required to transport students who live 2 or more miles in Grades K through 6.For students that live under 2 miles in Grades K through 6 or are in Grades 7 through 12, transportation services are provided for a fee.
CLICK HERE: 2024 - 2025 School Bus Registration
2024-2025 Bus Routes *Updated 9/16/24*
Message from Salter Transportation:
The first few weeks of school with bus transportation are always challenging. Salter Transportation is asking you to do the following if you don't see your stop listed.- Go to the closest stop near you until corrections can be made.
- Send an email to
- Provide your student's name, address, school and any additional info you want to add.
- Salter will review your request and reply back via email.
After the first couple weeks Salter will resend the district an updated copy of the routes that we will repost on the district website.Thank you for your patience as we start off the new year!BUS INFORMATION
Bus registration deadline is July 15, 2024.
To prevent bus overcrowding, bus routes are determined by your home address. All riders must ride on their home bus route. Early registration is essential to determine bus routes. Routes are created based on registrations received by the deadline. Late registrations result in potential bus overcrowding and routes needing to be redone which could result in your student needing to be switched to a different bus.
Bus routes produced by Salter Transportation will be published in August.
2 mile distance eligibility (free) will be verified by Google Maps Walking Distance. ONLY STUDENTS IN Kindergarten through Grade 6 can potentially qualify for this eligibility.
Free/reduced eligibility will be verified prior to a bus pass being issued.
No passes will be issued until payment is received OR free category is verified.
Past due owed: No student will be issued a 24-25 bus pass if there is an outstanding balance from the previous school year.
All students may ride the bus without a pass for the month of September while passes are being distributed.
Starting October 1st, ALL STUDENTS must have a current year bus pass to ride the bus.
Any student using school provided transportation shall be subject to appropriate regulations. School principals are required to establish specific rules and regulations that apply to their individual schools based upon School Committee policy. While individual or unique incidents of disruptive behavior may occur, the regulations related to student behavior, applicable to all student riders, which are expressly stated by the School Committee, include, but are not limited to, the following:
Procedures for Drivers, Administrators, and Parents
1. In case of misconduct on a bus, the incident will be reported to the school principal on the proper form. The school principal will report the incident in writing to the parent/guardian concerned, with a copy to the Superintendent of Schools. Based on the reported incident, the principal may suspend the individual student's bus privileges.
2. In case of repetition by the same student, the principal may suspend the student´s transportation privileges until a conference with the student's parent/guardian is held to discuss the individual student's behavior.
3. If a satisfactory solution to the student's behavior, which provides for the safety and welfare of other student bus riders, cannot be reached, the student´s transportation privileges may be terminated. Parents may appeal a decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The responsibility for transporting the student to school will then rest with the parent/guardian.
Loading and Unloading at Bus Stop
1. Riders must be on time. Bus drivers will not wait.
2. Riders will enter or leave the bus at regular stops only.
3. Orderly behavior and respect for private property will be required.
4. Instructions and directions of the driver must be followed by the riders.
Required Conduct Aboard the Bus
1. Riders must remain in their seats when the bus is in motion.
2. Whistling and shouting are not permitted.
3. Profanity and obscene language are forbidden.
4. Smoking and eating are prohibited.
5. Prohibitive disturbances include but are not limited to the following
- Pushing or wrestling;
- Annoying other passengers or disturbing their possessions;
- Disturbing the driver;
- Throwing objects within the bus or out of windows;
- Climbing over seats;
- Opening or closing windows;
- Leaning out of windows;
- Littering the bus; and
- Any other disorderly behavior.
6. Parents will be held responsible for any defacing or damaging of the bus.
The Amesbury Public Schools provides transportation to students as required by Massachusetts General Law. By Law, we are required to transport students who live 2 or more miles from their school in grades K through grade 6.
For students that live less than 2 miles in grades K through grade 6 and/or students who are in grades 7 through grade 12, transportation services are provided for a fee.
Fees will be waived for families that qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. Applications will be sent to all families in the first day of school packets. If you believe you will qualify for this benefit please check the appropriate box for your student(s). If it is later determined that you do not qualify for free/reduced lunch, you will be asked to submit payment as listed below.
Transportation Fees for the 2024-2025 school year are:
Single Rider = $150.00
Family Cap = $300.00
Payment in FULL or a deposit of at least 50% is due at the time of registration for EACH CHILD REGISTERED.
Balance is due on/before October 1, 2024
PLEASE NOTE - NO INVOICES WILL BE SENT. It is your responsibility to remember pay remaining balances by October 1
Pay by credit card via this link: UNIPAY or visit the Amesbury Public Schools website
Pay by check - Payable to: Amesbury Public Schools | Attn: Joan Liporto | 5 Highland Street | Amesbury, MA 01913
Bus passes will be distributed to students in school during the month of September. Students will be allowed to board buses without a bus pass up until October 1st.
Please direct questions to:
Joan Liporto, Director of Finance & Operations
5 Highland Street | Amesbury, MA 01913
Phone: 978-388-0507 | Fax: 978-388-8315