Lunch Information

  • The following is some information for parents/guardians of students NEW to Amesbury School District and/or incoming 5th grade students:

    Money can be added to your child's lunch account either in the cafeteria (cash or check) or to pay online, go to:

    Lunch price is $3.25.  Children are able to purchase a second meal for $3.25, an extra milk for $.50 or an a la carte slice of pizza for $1.50 if they have money in their account or cash on-hand.  This applies to free and reduced students also. 

    We have a snack room where students can purchase water, juice, snacks, ice cream and the occasional cookie or pretzel.  The snack room accepts cash and students are able to use the money in their lunch accounts if they have a note from a parent/guardian that allows them to do so.  This note should be given to the cafeteria staff.  Students with negative account balances will NOT be allowed to make purchases from the snack room.

    For incoming 5th grade students, your lunch number is the same as it was in 4th grade.

    There is NO charging in the snack room.  There is NO charging of breakfast or milk.  If you need help with your account, you can call the AMS Cafeteria at 978-388-0515 X7180 or Heidi Gregoire at 978-388-4800 X4339.

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