Welcome to the Fourth Grade Team Page!
This month we focused on identifying the main idea of a text.
In math we will be working on our division unit.
We are focusing on matter in science.
In writing, we are continue to develop a 3 to 5-paragraph narrative essay.
Upcoming Events
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Additional Resources
What is Matter?
What is matter? Here is an overview of what is matter and a look at what your child is studying in science. Experiments are always fun at school and at home if you want to carry over our studies with your student.
Kahn Academy Division Videos
Kahn Academy is a wonderful math resource. They offer videos to show math concepts we are studying daily in class. They show the video and offer review questions. Below is a link to their video on long division.
IXL log in page
Every students has a log in for IXL. This website is perfect for additional practice of daily lessons and review of previous concepts. They offer math practice as well as ELA practice. please utilize both options for additonal practice and review for your child.