Internet Safety

  • Please Keep Safe Online

    The Internet is part of our lives, in more ways than we could have imagined just a few years ago. It is a fantastic resource, but care must be taken when allowing children online.

    You can protect your children by remembering these tips;

    1. BE THERE; Spend time with your child, and don't let a computer take your place

    2. KEEP IT OPEN; Don't put any device with Internet access in out of the way places where children can shut you out. Always have an open door rule.

    3. LEARN; Learn how your devices and how the Internet works. Understand what filters are available from your service provider or as software. You should effectively monitor your child's screen time.

    4. TEACH; Make your child aware of your motives and on-line concerns. Just as in any other circumstance, they should know NEVER to give out their real name, address or phone number.

    5. SUPERVISE; Always oversee your child's screen time. Randomly check on who they are talking to, what they are talking about, and where they are going on the computer. Some current browsers have folders that track visits, or you can purchase software that will do it as well. If they play online games, check their history...who are they playing with?

    6. Don't be afraid to say NO! Do not allow any unsupervised communication in public or private "chat" rooms.

    7. REPORT; Advise your on-line provider if you receive any unwanted material of any kind.


    • -Hidden screens, usernames,  files or flash drives.

    • -Unwillingness to talk about their activities on and offline.

    • -Child receives mail with no return address

    • -Child receives mysterious graphic files

    • -Child reluctant to show you the screen

    • -Child uses the computer behind closed doors

    • -Child tries to contact people you don't know


    • Immediately cut off the connection

    • Write down all screen information

    • Call Police

    • Check for any documents you may have to show the police

    • Document any unusual telephone calls

    • Save any mail sent to your child

    • Complain to your on-line service

    The Internet is a great resource and is easy and fun to use, but it must be used safely, and wisely.

    Thanks to the NH State Police for the material used in this page.

    Please be aware that from time to time children are photographed or videotaped at our school for educational purposes.
    Please speak to the principal if you have concerns regarding this practice.

    The Amesbury Elementary School Acceptable Use Policy

    The Amesbury Elementary School is pleased and excited to announce the addition of Internet Access for its students in our computer lab. As you may already know, the Internet consists of millions of computer users in nearly every country on the globe, connecting to thousands of computers located at organizations throughout the world, creating a large and diverse electronic network.

    Part of our responsibility in preparing students for the 21st Century is to provide them access to the tools they will be using as adults. We believe that the use of this global information network is one of these tools.

    With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility. It is important that you and the student(s) in your family understand the rules pertaining to access and acceptable use of resources. When your student uses the school’s technology, it is extremely important that school rules are followed. Inappropriate use will result in the loss of computer privileges and, if necessary, other disciplinary action.

    Your student’s use of the Internet will be supervised by staff members. Our Internet Service Provider limits access to material inappropriate for children, using special software, and every reasonable effort will be made to guide their use and access. However, it is important to understand that we cannot provide constant supervision of all students at all times, nor can we filter all material that may be considered inappropriate. Parents should keep these considerations in mind when giving their approval for Internet access.

    We hope that our students find the network a useful and exciting resource in the schools.

    Acceptable Use Guidelines

    Use of the Internet is a privilege, increasingly essential to learning, that offers new freedoms and demands new responsibilities. Guidelines for use are practical and logical extensions of our communities’ commitment to conduct that is legal, ethical, responsible, and considerate of others.

    The purpose of the network is educational. It is essential that everyone who uses the network understand that purpose.

    Each user of the network and computer facilities bears full responsibility for his or her own actions. The school systems will not be liable for the actions of network users. Users shall assume full liability, legal, financial, or otherwise, for their actions.

    In addition, the school systems take no responsibility for any information or materials that are transferred through the Internet.

    No user shall use the network to perform any act that may be construed as illegal or unethical.

    Users shall observe all provisions of copyright law in using material obtained from network sources.

    Use of the network to knowingly pass along viruses or other programs which infiltrate or damage computers or computing systems is prohibited.

    Users communicating via the network are expected to use appropriate language at all times.

    Users must abide by school guidelines on appropriate use of computers and the network. Violation of these guidelines will result in loss of network privileges.

    Damage to school computers, either physical damage or reconfiguration of the computer systems, is considered vandalism.

    Network cautions for students

    Students should never give out personal information, such as full name, home phone number, home address, or credit card information over the school’s network.

    Students should remember to cite sources of information acquired over the Internet.

    Questions and Suggestions

    Students or parents with questions, concerns or suggestions about the policies and guidelines are asked to convey these to the Bruce McBrien, Technology Specialist, or the office.


    Updated Februar 2019

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