Home Connections - How and What kids can access from home.
There are several ways in which students can continue their learning by practicing at home, using any Internet-connected computer.
Here are screenshots of the login screens for each of the apps students can use at home:Keyboarding; An essential life skill in today's world. To practice, students need to go to www.typetolearn.com/login/The school code is 14418, the username is the student's last name and first initial. and their password is their lunch code.XtraMath: (optional) Note the teacher email must be entered to login.
One of the best drill and practice sites out there to help students build math fluency. Teachers can see where student skill are strong, and where they need support. Practice for just 10 minutes a day!Our district has gone all-in with the Google for Education suite, and now all third and fourth grade students have their own Google accounts which allows them to work on projects both at school and at home. IF you or your child experience difficulty, please contact me and let me know which step it is where you are experiencing difficulties.Step 1: Click "Sign In" in the upper right of the Google window.
Step 2: Enter the student ID number (last name and first initial)
Step 3: Enter the student password. This is the SAME as the student's Type to Learn password!
Step 4: Access documents and apps by clicking on the App Chooser (these 9 dots).
Step 5: Be sure to LOG OUT when finished using Google Docs.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about these home connections. Mr. McBrien