Online Research

    Online Resources
    Online Databases
    Do you need articles, information or facts for a school project?
    Here are five reasons you should use databases.
    1. Information has been checked by experts and you can trust that it is accurate.
    2.  Databases pool together information from a variety of sources, so much of the work has been done for you!
    3.  Some of the Databases on this website are written for kids so they are easier       
         to understand.
    4.  The Databases include graphics and fun facts that will come in handy when you want to impress your friends.
    5.  Databases are free!!!
    Online Resources
    WebPath Express
    Britannica School
    Kids InfoBits
    Amesbury Public Library Kids' Reference Page
    Online resources available through APL.  You may need your APL library card to access some of these resources.  
    EduPlace Graphic Organizers
    Organize your thoughts, ideas, notes and writing with a variety of graphic organizers.
    Reading Worksheets and Organizers

    Free reading comprehension worksheets, vocabulary worksheets, book report forms, and other reading worksheets.


    "Pics4Learning is a curated image library that is safe and free for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations for classroom projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other projects in an educational setting."