Library Skills Practice
Practice Your Library Skills Here!
Using the Library
The Shelf Elf
Learn about library manners and book care.
Don't Let the Pigeon Touch the Books!
Find out what happens when the Pigeon is not careful with library books!
What Happened to Marion's Book?
Marion the Hedgehog learns to take care of library books.
Sammy the Shelf Marker
How to use shelf markers when looking for library books.
Books & Reading
How to Find a "Just Right" Book
Use the Five-Finger Rule to choose a just-right book.
Searching the Catalog
Dewey Decimal System
The Dewey Decimal Rap
A fun way to learn the general Dewey sections.
Doin' Dewey Slideshare
Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System.
Practicing Inquiry
Explore wonders and ask your own questions!