My Resources

Pettengill House     School Link Services, Social Services & Food Pantry

21 Water Street Suite 4A, Amesbury, MA 01913

13 Lafayette Rd, Salisbury, MA 01952

Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center    24 Hour Hotline  978-388-1888

  **Help for problems related to Domestic Violence-Advocacy & Direct Services**

5 Market Square, Amesbury, MA 01913

Mental Health Crisis Team      24 Hour Hotline  978-521-7777

Children & Adults, Mobile response & via Anna Jacques Emergency Room

Parental Stress Line                24 Hour Hotline   1-800-632-8188          

Anonymous & Confidential! Call if your feeling overwhelmed and at your wits end!

Trained parent volunteers, caring & non-judgemental, when you need someone to listen.

Child-at-Risk Hotline                24 Hour Hotline    1-800-792-5200

Call to report concerns about child abuse or neglect in your family or community