Amesbury Public Schools
School Improvement Plan - Charles C. Cashman Elementary School
Karina Mascia-Fayles
Strategic Objective #1
Utilize student data to guide instruction and measure student reading growth through the implementation of new curricula aligned with the common core standards.
District Strategy Alignment (Superintendent Goals for SY 21-22)
Ensuring Meaningful Academic Experiences for ALL Students
Goal Statement: By June 2022, K-4 students will increase their reading proficiency by 10% as measured by MAP Reading Fluency (K-1) or MAP Reading Growth (2-4).
Teachers will collaborate as members of a professional learning community throughout the year to align their curricula with their practices, discuss students’ strengths and needs, identify interventions as well as enrichment.
Description: During weekly PLCs, CES teachers and staff will meet to discuss the new Wit and Wisdom curriculum implementation, ST Math, Project Lead the Way, social studies, science, and SEL (Second Step and Bullying Prevention Programs).
Impact: By June 2022 the percentage of students reading at grade level as determined by MAP Assessment data will increase by 10%; Teachers will be more comfortable with new curricula and therefore able to teach with fidelity to maximize impact on students’ learning. As a result, we would see the following:
● Students who are at Core will remain Core;
● Students at Strategic will move to Core;
● At least 10% of our students at Intensive will move to Strategic.
Actions [Backwards Plan - what steps are
Benchmarks/Evidence - [What evidence
Timeline - [What is the
needed to achieve this objective?]
will there be to demonstrate that you
anticipated time where this
have attained this particular action?]
particular action item will
Teachers will work in professional learning
Copy of agendas
communities (PLC) for the implementation,
refinement, and analysis of data to inform their
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Other supportings docs
During any PLCs dedicated to With and Wisdom staff
Copy of agendas
will have focused conversations around curriculum,
instruction and practices, as well as assessments.
Other supportings docs
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Professional Learning Community (PLC) focus time
Educators will work on creating rubrics and
at least one time each month for grade level staff to
grading student work artifacts.
review and analyze student work and assessments,
plan next steps and interventions throughout the
Educators will proctor the MAP Assessment
21-22 year.
three time in the course of the school year: Fall,
Winter, and Spring
Fundations Assessment
WW Module Assessment
Grade level staff will discuss, assign, and provide
Direct explicit instruction with purpose will be
Tier 2 and 3 intervention to respond to students’
taught at the regular education classrooms.
need over the course of the school day.
Observations, walk-throughs, learning walks will
be consistently conducted.
At Grade Level Meetings / PRT / Professional
Gatherings, Data-Based Decision Making
Interventions will be made for each student /
group of students.
Students will be progress monitored to provide
academic growth information.
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Weekly / Monthly
Educators will teach Heggerty and Fundations with
Student Learning Objectives, Success Criteria,
and Focus Wall will be posted
Observations, walk-throughs, learning walks will
be consistently conducted.
Throughout the 21- 22 School
Educators will implement Wit and Wisdom with Integrity.
Student Learning Objectives, Success Criteria, and Focus Wall will be posted
Observations, walk-throughs, and learning walks will be consistently conducted.
At Grade Level Meetings, Lisa Dupere, Reading Coach, will meet with classroom teachers to plan and share best practices.
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Amesbury Public Schools
School Improvement Plan - Charles C. Cashman Elementary School
Karina Mascia-Fayles
Strategic Objective #2
Provide on-going, timely communication to staff and families regarding day to day operations, instructional programs, and school activities through a variety of resources and broaden our outreach to the community at large.
District Strategy Alignment (Superintendent Goals for SY 21-22)
Enhanced Communication with Stakeholders &
Developing a Highly Effective Leadership Team
Goal Statement: To improve effective communication between school, staff, families, and community.
Description: To improve effective communication between school, staff, families, and community about how to best support student learning and
nurture positive school experiences. Elementary school is the introduction of students to our educational system, and therefore, clear, resourceful, accessible and timely communication will provide schools and families the ability to work together towards the same goal of helping: the success of all students. Communications: Bi-weekly Leadership Team meetings, Monthly PBIS Team meetings, School Council/School Improvement Plan, Weekly Family communication: “Straight From The Lions’ Mouth”, Weekly Teachers/Staff communication: “Principally Speaking”, Engage students through monthly SKR awards recognition, Engage teachers through weekly PAWesome staff recognition
Impact: The partnership between families and school staff will strengthen the instructional academic, social-emotional and behavioral programs to ensure that all levels of learners are provided with curriculum and materials that meet their needs and abilities through each of the tiered instructions.
Actions [Backwards Plan - what steps are
Benchmarks/Evidence - [What evidence
needed to achieve this objective?]
will there be to demonstrate that you
have attained this particular action?]
Timeline - [What is the
anticipated time where this particular action item will
Principal will communicate to families and staff
weekly with the purpose of educating our school
● Bi-weekly Leadership Team meetings
community in the daily activities at the Cashman
● Monthly PBIS Team meetings
School that involves the academic, social, emotional,
● School Council/School Improvement
and behavioral development of every child.
Weekly Family communication: “Straight From
The Lions’ Mouth”
Weekly Teachers/Staff communication:
“Principally Speaking”
Teachers will increase their communication with
families in their classrooms with the purpose of
Teacher/Staff/Families communications: email,
educating our families in the daily activities at the
google classroom, Wednesday poly folder,
Cashman School that involves the academic, social,
individual teacher newsletters
emotional, and behavioral development of their child
in that particular grade level.
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Amesbury Public Schools
School Improvement Plan - Charles C. Cashman Elementary School
Karina Mascia-Fayles
Strategic Objective #3
To continue to Strengthen our Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) model.
District Strategy Alignment (Superintendent Goals for SY 21-22)
Ensuring the Social-Emotional Health of staff and students
Goal Statement: Our volunteer Cashman Leadership Team and PBIS Team will continue to focus on the integrity of the PBIS implementation at the Cashman School which has provided and built a positive, predictable school-wide climate where students understand what is expected of them, but also feel safe and supported while in school.
Description: The Cashman Elementary School is in its 4th year of PBIS implementation system. Our school community has built a structural system of teaching students how to be SAFE, KIND, and RESPONSIBLE in each environment they attend during their school day. Students are able to demonstrate these expectations and as a result we have experienced a significant decrease in office referrals and consistent language and behavioral expectations therefore providing students with a safe and supportive learning environment.
Impact: The Cashman School will continue to improve as a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. A few important impacts are: student challenging behavior will decrease through a proactive, positive, and consistent manner across all school settings. Students' academic achievement and social-emotional development and competence will improve throughout the school year. These practices will allow our educators in decreasing unexpected behaviors in each learning environment and therefore allowing less disruption in students’ learning.
Actions [Backwards Plan - what steps are
Benchmarks/Evidence - [What evidence
Timeline - [What is the
needed to achieve this objective?]
will there be to demonstrate that you
anticipated time where this
have attained this particular action?]
particular action item will
Educators will engage in conversation and develop
action plans to support the SKR culture of our school
● Bi-weekly Leadership Team meetings
at all levels: students, teachers, staff, and community
● Monthly PBIS Team meetings
● School Council/School Improvement
Throughout the 21- 22 School Year
Weekly Family communication: “Straight From
The Lions’ Mouth”
Weekly Teachers/Staff communication:
“Principally Speaking”
Monthly school-wide student recognition: SKR
Weekly PAWsome staff acknowledgement