Phone: 978-388-4800 ex. 2230
Degrees and Certifications:
UMass Amherst: Bachelor of History UMass Amherst: Masters in Secondary Education
Mrs. Alina (Sabatos) Lingley
As a teacher, I strive to create a classroom in which students are engaged. Working with primary and secondary sources is an extrememly important part of a historian's job, so students should learn how to anazlyze and compare documents. Through document work, students are encouraged to think critically and ask questions.
The Modern World History class includes working with primary and secondary sources from the history of various countries around the world beginning in the 17th centruy through the 20th century. Studies include themes such as freedom, liberties, nationalism, totalitarianism, and imperialism.
Art History studies and analyzes why art and architecture is created using historical context and documents. Through hands on activities, students evaluate art through the ages in order to answer why art is made, how it is made, how it relates to the time period, and why art matters.
My Home Page
Welcome to my new classroom website!Please go to my full website for homework, class information, and any other needs you may have!
My goal is to make the website not just a tool for me, as the teacher, but also to connect with parents and act as a learning tool and resource for the students. I welcome all suggestions! If you have any ideas or information you would like posted, please let me know!