• Community Service Requirement


    Advisor: Dr. Kristen Walsh



    Community service is voluntary service without compensation.  Community service hours cannot be used if they are required for another group or organization, if they are done during school time or if hours are done for a family member.  Students are encouraged to participate in community service to learn job related skills and to explore career opportunities. 


    All students must complete community service in order to graduate. Students need to accept the Google Classroom invitation they have received.  If students are struggling to find service opportunities, they can connect with our Community Service Advisor. 


    • Students must complete a minimum of 15 hours of community service for each of the four years in high school.  These hours can be performed during the school year or during the summer.

    • Proof of hours must be turned in to Dr. Walsh, Community Service Coordinator, on the approved form with the signature of the person for whom the service was performed.

    • A grade of PASS/FAIL (P/F) will be recorded on each student’s report card for the fourth quarter. Therefore, the paperwork must be submitted by June 7th for students in grades 9-11 and May 10th for seniors.

    • Failure to complete the required hours will prevent a student from being on the honor roll for the fourth quarter and the hours will be carried over to the next year’s total. 

    • When a student completes more than 15 hours in a given year, the additional hours will be applied to the cumulative total; however, these additional hours cannot be applied to the fifteen hour requirement for future years.

    • The forms can be found on the school website, in the Google Classroom and the community service bulletin board.


    Hourly requirements for students based on years of attendance at AHS:













    As a reminder, the school committee approved modified community service requirements for the classes of 2024 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting with the class of 2025, the graduation requirement will return to 60 hours total. Students are expected to complete 15 hours of community service per year. Students will earn a P/F grade posted on their quarter four report card based on completing and submitting those 15 hours per year. Students who do not spend a full four years at AHS will have prorated requirements (15 per year) based on the amount of years they are enrolled. 


    FORMS: The Community Service forms are available to download HERE. STUDENTS are responsible for completing and turning in the completed form.