Diploma/Transcript Requests
Diploma Requests
The only diploma ordered for a graduating Amesbury High School student is the one which is presented at graduation. Once the student has graduated, the school considers the student's transcript the official document of record. Therefore, the school cannot provide another copy of a student's diploma.
Transcript Requests
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. However, these rights are transferred to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
Transcript requests must be made in writing and can be delivered to the high school via fax, email, US Postal mail, or in person. The written request needs to include the student's current name and name used while attending (if different), the year of graduation or years of attendance, and the name and address to which the transcript should be sent.
Amesbury High School Fax Number: 978-388-3393
Guidance secretary email: gwendolyn.foley@amesburyma.org
High School Address: 5 Highland Street, Amesbury, MA 01913
Per school policy, official transcripts, which have a signature and a raised, embossed seal, will only be mailed directly to a college/institution or potential employer. Individuals may only receive unofficial copies of their transcript. There is no charge for either format of transcript requested. Please allow two business days for receipt and processing of the request.GED/HiSET Requests
If you received a GED or HiSET credential, please visit the State's webpage for more information at https://www.doe.mass.edu/hse/diplomas-transcripts.html