Theresa DeFranzo
Composition I
Even if it is not listed in the syllabus we will spend some time each week working on the Research Paper. It could be on MLA citation, the works cited paged or thesis statements, for example.
Week One: Sept 6-9
Introduction to class
Review syllabus
Work on writing sample/Welcome letter
Discussion of the Research Paper/Go over sample Research Papers
Week 2 - Sept. 12 -16
Begin work Evaluating and Reviewing Essay
Read Chapter 11 before coming to class on Monday, Sept. 12
We will start discussion on MLA citation
Start working on rough draft of Evaluating and Reviewing paper (Rough draft will be due on Tuesday, Sept. 20 and Final Draft will be due on Friday, Sept. 23).
Week 3 - Sept. 19-23
Begin work on Taking a Stand Essay
Read Chapter 9 before coming to class on Wednesday, Sept. 21
Tuesday, Sept. 20 - Peer review of the rough draft of the Evaluating and Reviewing paper. Please bring in 2 copies of this rough draft. Final draft will be due on Friday, Sept. 23.
Week 4 - Sept. 26-30
We will hold in-class debate to get ready to write the Taking a Stand paper. Rough draft of this paper will be due on Monday, Oct. 3. Final draft will be due on Thursday, Oct. 6,
We will work extensively on how to find credible sources and how to incorporate them into your work.
Week 5 - Oct. 3-6 (No class on Friday, Oct. 7. Professional Development Day).
Monday, Oct. 3. - Peer review of rough draft of Taking a Stand Essay. Please bring in 2 copies of this rough draft. Final draft will be due on Thursday, Oct. 6.
More work on gathering sources.
Week 6 - Oct. 11-Oct. 14
We will discuss the book “Catcher in the Rye”. Must have this book and Chapter 13 in the text book read by Monday, Oct. 11.
Week 7 - Oct. 17 -21
Wednesday, Oct. 19 - Rough draft of “Catcher in the Rye” paper due. Assignment to be given out in class. Please bring in 2 copies of this rough draft.
Friday, Oct. 21 - Final draft of “Catcher in the Rye” paper due.
We will read and discuss “Death of a Salesman” in class this week.
Week 8 - Oct. 24 - 28
This week will we work on Persuasive Writing. This will involve working in groups and making presentations in class on Friday, Oct. 28. Rough draft of this paper will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Final draft of this paper will be due on Thursday, Nov. 3.
Week 9 - Oct. 31 - Nov. 4
Tuesday, Nov. 1 - Rough draft of Persuasive Essay is due. Please bring in 2 copies of this paper.
This will we work on the Problem/Solution Essay. Rough draft will be due on Monday, Nov. 15. Final draft will be due on Wednesday, Nov. 17.
Week 10 - Nov. 7 - Nov. 10 (No class on Nov. 11)
We will discuss the book Ethan Frome which you must read by Monday, Nov. 14.
You will receive the rest of the syllabus for the remainder of the semester on Tuesday, Nov. 1. In that time we will continue to work on the Research Paper. The rough draft of that paper will be due two weeks before the last class of the semester. You must also read Hamlet and the Last Lecture by Monday, Dec. 19.