• Welcome

    The Roland H. Woodwell Library Media Center welcomes students and staff while promoting reading, and providing assistance in accessing, evaluating, and using effective educational resources.

    Summer Reading 2024

    Any student who signed up for honors needs to read their grade-level book. If a student signed up for college prep, they may choose to read their grade-level book for a bonus test grade. 
    Grade 9: Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas
    Grade 10: The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore
    Grade 11: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
    Grade 12: 1984 by George Orwell
    If there are any questions, please contact Steve Bastien, Head of English Department


    Need a Book from the Library?

    books If you know the title of the book you want, email the librarian, I will help you find it.

    Find a Book Using Destiny Catalog

    Follett Destiny If you are looking for a book to read or need a book for a class project, use the Destiny Catalog to search our online database. Learn how to use the Destiny Catalog.

    Find Free Audiobooks and eBooks Online

    MVLC OverDrive logo Merrimack Valley Library Consortium OverDrive Digital Library - With your Amesbury Public Library card or a card from any MVLC library, you have access to over 350,000 OverDrive digital audiobooks and eBooks from other Massachusetts libraries and partner libraries.
    Libby app logo Another option is to download the Libby app for access to digital audiobooks and eBooks on your Apple or Android devices. Learn more about how to get eBooks and audiobooks.

  • Massachusetts School Library Association logo